!define MUI_WELCOMEPAGE_TEXT "This wizard will guide you through updating the system files on your computer.\r\n\r\n\
This will only update files on your system that have reverted back to the default XP look. It will NOT reapply visual styles, cursors, sounds or anything else non-system file related.\r\n\r\n\
Click Update to start."
!define MUI_WELCOMEPAGE_TITLE "Welcome to the ${NAME} Wizard"
MessageBox MB_OK "The FlyakiteOSX System Files Updater has updated $UpdatedFileCount files on your system. The updated files will be applied on the next reboot."
NotifyIcon::Icon /NOUNLOAD "n" "System files have been updated" "The FlyakiteOSX System Files Updater has updated $UpdatedFileCount files on your system. The updated files will be applied on the next reboot."
Sleep 10000
SetAutoClose true
NotifyIcon::Icon "r"
!insertmacro SetDetailsPrint ""
!insertmacro SetDetailsPrint "$UpdatedFileCount files have been updated and will be applied on the next reboot."